New 2013-2014 Academic Year at Tbilisi State Medical University has started with slogan “With Tradition to the Future”

On September 16, 2013 new 2013-2014 academic year started at Tbilisi State Medical University. Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria met and warmly welcomed thousands of students gathered on the medical campus.  The following speakers participated in the ceremony:

  • Zurab Vadachkoria – Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor
  • Davit Sergeenko- Minister of Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia
  • Mamuka Beriashvili - Head of Higher Education and Science Development Department of Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Professor
  • Mamuka Katsarava - Head of City Hall's Social Service and Culture Municipal Service, Honorabel doctor of TSMU
  • Godfrey Pell – Professor of Leeds Institute of Medical Education (Great Britain)
  • Nicholas Hodson – Doctor of Leeds Dental Institute, Specialist of Restorative Dentistry (Great Britain)
  • Jan E. Zejda – Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Medical University of Silesia (Poland), Professor
  • Kenneth Walker - Honorary Citizen of Georgia and Tbilisi, Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine
  • Nikoloz Gongadze - Head of the Department of Medical Pharmacology of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor.
  • Johana Da Costa – The first year student of Tbilisi State Medical University (Sweden)
  • Kshitij Kumar – The fourth year student of TSMU (India)
  • Kakha Abuladze – President of Student Government

On the ceremony President of Student Government of TSMU, Kakha Abuladze awarded ten highest-ranking first year students by books.

The ceremony of the beginning new academic year was attended by professors of the leading clinics of America and Europe, who will deliver the lectures for TSMU students and residents during two weeks (September 16-27).


After the opening ceremony, five deans of the faculties congratulated newcomers on new 2013-2014 academic year. The meeting were held the heads of the international programs: Georgian-American – “American MD Program” and Georgian-French – “Public Health and Management” program.


Each first year student was given the guide book of the university, which is all about the structures and programs of the university and TSMU medical magazine.

In the frames of the partnership with TSMU, the following professors will visit and deliver the lectures at Tbilisi State Medical University:

September 16 -19:

  • Prof. Philippe Grimbert – Transplantologist, Coordinator of Clinical Center of Biotherapy, Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris (France)
  • Prof. José Cohen – Professor in cell biology of Center for Clinical Investigation in biotherapy (INSERM), Head of the transplantation lab, deputy director for the PhD program, Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris (France)

Septermber 23 -27:

  • Prof. Ulrich Martin - Head Leibniz Research Labs for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO), Germany, Professor of Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School