Summer Internship in Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

From July 22 to September 18, 2013 in the frames of the contract between Tbilisi State Medical University and medical school of University of Jena (Germany) the fourth year students of the Faculty of Medicine: Mariam Chkonia, Dea Inoridze, Davit Tevzadze, Sipiko Janashia and Giga Megreladze  did their  internship in nursing in Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. They had their medical rotation in the following departments: Dermatology-Venereology, Ophthalmology, General Surgery, Gyneacology and Endocrinology Departments.


The students were taking medical histories, managing treatment, participating in different operations, filling some documents in German Languages and attending invasive and noninvasive procedures.

At the end of the internship all students were awarded by the certificates. They were positively evaluated for their medical knowledge and fluency in German language.