Georgian Biochemical Society was selected as a member of Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)

On October 8-9, 2013 the meeting dedicated to Georgian Biochemical Society becoming as a member of Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) was held in Ilia State University.

The meeting was attended by Head of FEBS Education Committee, Professor Gül Güner Akdogan (Izmir, Turkey), Professor Keith Elliott (Manchester, UK), Professor Mathias Sprinzl(Bayreuth, Germany) and specially invited Secretary General ofthe Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Professor Israel Pecht (Rehovot, Israel).

From Georgian side the meeting was attended by the biochemists working in higher education institutions of Georgia including Head of TSMU Biochemistry Department, Professor Paata Tushurashvili and other professors of the department.

Two day meeting was very productive; it showed the goals and outcomes of Biochemistry teaching adopted at TSMU were in accordance with the European standards. Biochemistry teaching is Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Clinical-Based Learning (CBL) in Biochemistry schools in the world.

In last year the mentioned teaching method was implemented at TSMU.  It requires absolutely integrated curriculum such as in Manchester (UK) and Izmir (Turkey) medical school.

Head of TSMU Biochemistry Department, Professor Paata Tushurashvili talked to the representatives of FEBS about planning and effectively development study process. They expressed their readiness to share their experiences. During the meeting, Professor Gül Güner Akdogan (Izmir, Turkey) expressed his willingness to establish the cooperation between the Universities.