The 2nd call for ALRAKIS II in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 is announced

On November 15, 2013 the informational meeting about the 2nd call for ALRAKIS II in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 was held in Blue Hall on TSMU Library.

The meeting was organized by International Relations Department of Tbilisi State Medical University. The event was hosted by Head of International Relations Department, Professor Ia Avaliani and Senior Specialist Ninoa Kandelaki.

The project implies mobility of students and academic staff between the countries of the South Caucasus and Europe. In the framework of the ALRAKIS II project, student exchange will take place on the undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate levels. Also, the academic and administrative staff will have possibility to be engaged in the mobility.

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 will be opened from November 1 until January 12, 2013.

Online submission: will be possible from November 1, 2013 until 12 January, 2014!!

The upcoming informational meetings are planned on December 6 and 20, 3:30 pm in the Blue Hall of the Library.