Memorandum signed between Tbilisi State Medical University and Non-governmental Organization – SocCodex

On December 3, 2013 Memorandum of collaboration was signed between Tbilisi State Medical University and Non-governmental Organization – SocCodex.

The memorandum was signed by Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria and Chairman of Non-governmental Organization – SocCodex.

The event was attended by TSMU Vice-Rector, Professor Kakhaber Chelidze and the Representative of NGO SocCodex, Mr. Tato Mirotadze.

NGO SocCodex implements the different social projects in entire Georgia. The goals of the projects are to solve the current problems in the population. One of the organization’s projects and initiatives is “The External Monitoring of State-sponsored universal healthcare program”.

In the frames of the memorandum Tbilisi State Medical University will be involved in projects, which means analyzing of monitoring data and drawing up the recommendations. The students’ involvement in external monitoring project will contribute in comprehensive knowledge and professional development.