Kick-off meeting of ERASMUS MUNDUS Project – MEDEA in Riga

On November 27 – 29, 2013 Head of International Relations Department of TSMU, Professor Ia Avaliani and Senior Specialist Nino Kandelaki paid an official visit to Riga (Latvia) to attend the Kick-off meeting of European Commission ERASMUS MUNDUS Project – MEDEA (MEDical univErsities Alliance).

Coordinator of Project MEDEA is Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse and Regional Coordinator – Tbilisi State Medical University. The project has EU Partners as well as partner universities from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia.

The meeting participants made the presentations about university offers in academic fields, as well as they proved the list of the faculties students could study, amount of mobility and the budget; discussed the Select and Quality Assurance Committees of the Consortium.

Online application of MEDEA Project is opened since December 5, 2013.