Meeting with Tbilisi State Medical University Alumni Class of 1953

On December 18, 2013 the Meeting was held with Tbilisi State Medical University alumni class of 1953.

The initiator of the meeting was the advisory board of Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University.

Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria opened the event and greeted the audience. In his speech Rector mentioned that it was his pleasure to meet with honorable alumni of Tbilisi State Medical University, who had graduated their Alma Mater – TSMU sixty years ago.

“Tbilisi State Medical University is counting its ninth decade since its foundation. You are member of it. There is no “former” school or university for anybody; Tbilisi State Medical University was, it is and it will be your university.  Some of you are raising future doctors, some of you are in the service of human life. In all cases, any of you care about well being of people.” – said Rector of his speech.

Rector wished Tbilisi State Medical University alumni class of 1953 – Guram Bekaia, Mikheil Gedevanishvili, Davit Doborjginidze, Besik Iasvhili, Viktor Makhatadze, Shota Mirashvili, Dorian Murmanishvili, Leila Akhvlediani, Lia Dundua, Natela Turkia, Irine Kukhaleishvili, Ia Machitadze, Zaira Taganashvili, Nari Ustiashvili, Leila Karosanidze, Mila Japaridze, Eter Gogodze, Nunu Kadeishvili, Lali Chitaishvili to live longer and their dreams would come true.

Because of their contribution to medicine in Georgia and Tbilisi State Medical University the guests were awarded by appreciation cards and gifts.

The meeting was followed by the concert, where the groups of TMSU Sport and Art Center were participating in. The concert was attended by Academic and Administrative Staff and students of TSMU and TSMU German partners, honorary doctors of Tbilisi State Medical University: Professors – Mikheil Lentze, Helmut Hahn, Timo Ulrichs and Johann Pröpster.