Lectures by Prof. Karen Bonn, President of the Company of Brandenburg Rehabilitation and Restorative Technologies (Restorative Medical Inc) at Tbilisi State Medical University

On January 6, 2014 Professor Karen Bonn, President of the Company of Brandenburg (Connecticut, US) Rehabilitation and Restorative Technologies (Restorative Medical Inc), delivered the lecture on “Modern Methods of Neurorehabilitation ” at  TSMU Clinical Center of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The lecture was attended by: Valeri Akhalkatsi, Director of TSMU Clinical Center of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Lela Maskhulia, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of TSMU and academic staff of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. 

American specialist discussed the modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of contractures caused by neurological injuries and advanced approaches of management for deformations developed as the result of blood circulatory disturbance and cerebral paralysis.  

The lecture was dynamic and it went through the great interest of the students and graduates of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of TSMU. To the end of the lecture the question and answer session was arranged.