The Charity Event at G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic

On February 8, 2014 , within the memorandum developed between  Tbilisi State medical University and the organization - "Georgian Dream - Healthy Future", the charity event was held at G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic.

For the children living in Tbilisi free medical consultations were carried out by the leading specialists of the clinic: pediatricians- Pikria Lursmanashvili, Nino Goguadze, Irma korinteli, Katevan Gogberashvili; rheumatologist-Tinatin Kutubidze; Allergologist – Manana Kobakhidze, radiologist - Nineli Chkhaidze, maxilla-facial surgeon – David Kobakhidze, surgeon – Nukri Shalamberidze, traumatologists – Tamaz gabunia and Kakha Samushia, ORLaringologist – Murman Lomaia, echoscopist – Tamar Robakidze, endocrinologist – Maia Pkhaladze, neurologists – Nana Khachapuridze and nana Kapanadze, ophthalmologist – Luiza Tsomaia.

According to the parents, conducting such events is of great importance as sometimes, they are not able to visit doctors for preventive measures before full reveal of the problem.  Visit to so many doctors - for free is a really great gift for children. 165 children were examined within the frame of charity event by the  qualified specialists.