The Lecture by Professor Ulrich Martin on the Future of Medicine


Tbilisi State Medical University is permanently striving that all the advances and achievements of the scientific communities in Europe and the United States to be introduced to TSMU students.

As the result of this - Professor Ulrich Martin, representative of  Leibniz Research Laboratory for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs and  Hanover Medical School  delivered lectures for TSMU students (II year) of the Faculty of Medicine. The topic of the lecture was “Stem cells and their use in cardiovascular pathologies”. According to Prof. Ulrich Martin today scientific-research studies towards stem cells  are actively carried out throughout the world.

In 2012 Shinya Yamanaka Nobel Prize winner developed a method, according to which she created pluripotent stem cells (iPS) by retroviral transduction of four transcription factors (genes). These genes change cell development program so that they are translated into stem cells.


This and other recent studies on the topic has aroused great interest among the audience. The lecture was interesting not only for students but also for professionals and academic staff. According to Professor Elene Abzianidze, Head of TSMU Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, the use of stem cells taken from adult body is of a great importance for medicine. That, the Professor is talking about is of great importance. This is the future of medicine.