Presentation of the Club ,,Vitalis

On March 18, 2014, presentation of the Students’ Scientific-Research  Club "Vitalis", organized by  I. Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society  and support of TSMU students’ self-governmental body, was held at the meeting room in the administrative building of Tbilisi State Medical University. The name of the club is a Latin word, meaning life / life-awarding. Scientific activities, participation in research  activities and specific scientific problem-oriented learning are vital for any educational institution.

According to Micheil Janjgava, President of I.Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society establishment of Students’ Scientific-Research Club is really of great importance. "Vitalis" club members are TSMU students and the students from other higher educational institutions, they jointly work in teams to explore interesting topics and the results will be presented at the students' scientific research conference.

Kakha Abuladze president of the student’s self-governmental body once again drew attention to the fact that scientific work is a key priority for TSMU. At present, at TSMU  exists seven scientific directions  of the organization and " vitalis " will be the eighth Scientific - Research Club, which was formed under the auspices of the Students' Scientific Society and the fields of its interest will be focused on  psychology and the central nervous system.

Said Ajianz, Head of the Club-“Vitalis” explained to the audience what would be the club structure, what would be his research topics and how to deepen and improve academic performance. Information on the current work was provided by the club members: Mary Janjalashvili, Mariam Labadze, Teona Tarieladze and Ekaterine Tsetsadze.The club presentation was attended by TSMU academic staff: Prof. Elene Anzianidze, Prof. Neli Gigolaeva, Prof. Ramaz Shengelia, Prof. Manana Chipashvili, Prof. Niko Gongadze, Prof. Bessarion Kilasonia, Associate Professor David Zarnadze, Associate Professor Irina Zarnadze, Assistant Professor David Tskhomelidze, Prof. Tamar Sanikidze, Associate Professor Maia Dgebuadze, Prof. Teimuraz Silagadze.

They have  discussion  on scientific traditions and history of scientific work at TSMU and promised to support to all interested students. The meeting was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations ...

Prof. Teimuraz  Silagadze told students that any kind of learning is a uniquely positive fact.  Research club members gradually will learn how to pose scientific problems, how to direct work to solve the problems. The fact that scientific - research club "Vitalis" was created is very good. The audience had the opportunity to hear the issues, the club members are working on today. According to Associate Professor Irina Zarnadze problem-oriented learning is the most modern method. And this method will be used by the Club-“Vitalis” in future like the other scientific-research clubs.