Caucasian endemic species were studied at Quebec Chikutim University, Canada

In 2008 an agreement on scientific collaboration and realization of exchange programs was concluded between Quebec Chikutim University and Tbilisi State Medical University. Within the frame of this program, Prof. Lasha Mskhiladze, Assistant Professor at TSMU Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany, Head of TSMU Laboratory  of scientific-research and practical skills of the Faculty of Pharmacy, visited LASEVE- laboratory at Quebec Chikutim University, Canada (6 January – 3 March, 2014) for passing training course.

According to Prof. Andre Pishet, Director of LASEVE laboratory at Quebec Chikutim University , Georgian colleague is  a researcher of high level, so he will be happy to continue to cooperate with him. It is clear that evaluation of TSMU employee once again shows that the top priority of the University is high level of university academic staff / students and their preparation according to international standards.

According to the scientist who returned to his homeland, the aim of the project was the phytochemical study of Caucasian endemic species - Allium leucanthum C.Koch- on containing  steroid saponins and their biological ( antitumor , antioxidant , anti-inflammatory , antiviral, fungicidal ) activity. He had the opportunity to use modern equipment (HPLC-MS, NMR, GC-MS, IR, UV) for conducting  chemical and biological studies, which is an important opportunity for scientists and researchers.

The results of the study proved to be a very interesting and important as for the scientist as well as for  the head of the laboratory LASEVE - Professor Andre Pishet and other scientists. Joint scientific publication has been prepared and sent for publication in the international journal "Chemistry of Natural Compounds".