The training in methodology of medical education

On March 17-21, 2014, the training in methodology of medical education was conducted for academic personnel of the Faculty of Stomatology at Tbilisi State Medical University. The training was organized by the Center of Academic Development of Tbilisi State Medical University (Head of the Center - Professor Gaiane Simonia ) , and the module coordinator was Professor Marina Manaladze. Prof. Gaiane Simonia, Head of TSMU Department of Medical Education, Research and Strategic Development, noted that the aim of the Center is permanent  re-training of the University academic staff in teaching, learning and assessment methodologies, which is an important prerequisite to improve the quality of medical education at the university. The Center has been working in this direction for two years, planning a range of activities for the future as well. At the training the audience was introduced to an entirely new approach in dentistry teaching methods. The experiences of developed countries were shared by Professors Rima Beriashvili Marina Mamaladze, Irene Kvachadze, Gayane Simonia, Zaza Bokhua. For Tbilisi State Medical University it is very important that the training is conducted at a high level, taking into account all useful innovations that were implemented in developed countries. The training was devoted to this. According to Professor Marina Mamaladze, it is desirable and necessary that the academic staff continually undergo trainings. Today, higher education institutions of the leading countries of the world have a similar institution in its structure. We have just arrived from the University of Leeds, where works very reputable medical education institution with long-standing history. Faculty of Stomatology, as well as the other faculties is foreseeing assimilation of practical and communication skills, in addition to theoretical knowledge. Consequently, it is essential to determine how to teach practical skills. It is important that the audience is full of young people; we are sure that they will much better continue our efforts to go ahead.  As for the results, I'm sure that it will have a positive impact for the Tbilisi State Medical University. There is no knowledge without its assessment. According to Professor Irene Kvachadze it is important to assess student depending on what he knows, how he knows how to show and how it develops knowledge ... it creates a pyramid - Miller's Pyramid of competency assessment. Obtained hierarchy of requirements and needs in education sector is very actual and with these small parts is set up the future not only  for each student or  doctor but  the profession in general...


The audience showed great interest in the topics related to the objective structured clinical examination in dentistry, types of tests and the rules for their development, clinical skills in dentistry at postgraduate education stage, clinical judgment based on clinical cases, assessment procedures and teaching clinical skills in dentistry. The training was attended by Professor ZurabVadachkoria Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, who noted that the most important thing in terms of learning or teaching methods and the only priority in general is freedom. Academic freedom and at the same time, mutual respect is necessary condition for successful realization of learning and assessment processes. Students themselves should determine success of their educational process. Each student must determine their own future in the light of the freedom but in terms of education get the maximum – that will provide the University academic staff.

For Tbilisi State Medical University not only education of professionals is priority but also  development of their spiritual values ​​and independent thinking without which there is neither medicine nor science in general. This deep understanding is the backbone of the future of medicine.