The Sessions of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC) at the University of Padova

On April 7-13, 2014, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University visited the University of Padova (Italy), where he attended the sessions of executive board of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC); he is a member of this board since 2011.

Discussions were dedicated to: the report on the work carried out by the Universities Consortium during 2013 concerning to funding the Center for Emerging Energy Technologies (CENNET) by the World Bank;  practical issues concerning to the participation of the  legal members of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC) in ERASMUS-MUNDUS Project, funded by the EU; the various educational and scientific-research projects (ERSUC "GIS" and "Caravan" - projects, "Marco Polo" mobility program, "AL-Khwarizmi" - exchange program, etc.); more active engagement and mutual cooperation of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC) members in students and professors’ mobility program - "Melvana" financed by the government of turkey; there were summarized the results of annual Congress and the session of the executive board of the Consortium, held in India in November 2013.

Special attention was paid to the issues related to organization of the 5th Annual Meeting of ESRUC which will be held on June, 24-29, 2014 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The main theme of the Congress will be "The current global and regional changes in Silk Road countries" which is of great importance ...

After consideration the executive board announced  that in 2015 the Annual Meeting of  ESRUC will be hosted by Bitle University, Turkey.

After the sessions Prof. Alessandro Martini, Vice Rector  of Padova University introduced the principles of scientific and academic work at the University of Padova – one of the world oldest University, showed the oldest Botanic garden, anatomical theatre and etc. The future activities for mutual cooperation were planned as well.  

His Excellency Ambassador Mr Umberto VATTANI, President of Venice International University introduced the activities of his University to the ESRUC executive board members.

According to Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, the visit was very fruitful. That, he has the opportunity to meet the leaders of TSMU partner Universities:  Prof.Dr. Hikmet KOÇAK, President, Atatürk University and  Prof. Satyendra Patnaik , Rector, KIIT University (India), was of great importance.

All such business/working visits are very important as for future development of Tbilisi State Medical University as well as in terms of seeking for new prospective ways.