Doctorant (Ph.D. Student) of Tbilisi State Medical University Has Become a Member of the European Society of Microcirculation


Natia Gamkrelidze, a doctorant of the Department of Pathological Physiology of  Tbilisi State Medical University was invited to the working Conference organized and arranged by the British Microcirculation Society which was held in Bristol where she represented  a poster report.

One episode of Natia Gamkrelidze’s Doctoral Thesis relating to “the role of microcirculation at crush syndrome”   caused the great interest of British Microcirculation Society. Therefore, among the other authors she was also chosen and in addition to the monetary award was handed the “the prize of support of young investigators” as well.  

The work of Natia Gamkrelidze  ((supervisers: Prof. Vakhtang Kipiani, Professor of the Department of Pathophysiology and Associate Professor Teimuraz Petriashvili) was recognized as a very interesting one by British Professors and students. Prof Giovanni E. Mann, Professor of London's Royal College considered the Poster presentation of Georgian  investigator worthy of special attention. He also offered close  cooperation to young researcher in future. It is important that Natia  Gamkrelidze became a member of the British Society for Microcirculation and at the same time , the European Society for Microcirculation, which is definitely a good starting point for Georgian postgraduate student.  The European Society for Microcirculation issues the scientific  journal  - " Microcirculation", where in a few months Natia Gamkrelidze's article " The Role of the microcirculation in crush  syndrome " will be published.