Students’ XV Scientific-Training Discussions/Talks

On April 24-25, 2014, the students’ XV scientific discussion, organized by Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society,  was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.

According to Michel Janjgava, President of Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society, this conference of paper style, was introduced to stimulate the students to submit their works in non native language maintaining  them to represent their own works to an international level in the future. At XV scientific-training discussion 17 topics and  12 posters were presented. The works were represented in four languages: English, German, French and Russian.


There were revealed 6 best work s, which will be published in the annual summary proceedings issued by Ivane Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society. All the participants, both students and lecturers (supervisors) were given the certificates. The most active lecturer - Assistant Professor - David Tskhomelidze (supervisor of  4 Topics) and the most active departments - the Departments of Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology was revealed. In the conference participated the following Departments of  Tbilisi State Medical University - Medical Biology and Parasitology, Molecular and Medical Genetics , Medical Physics and Biophysics, Pathological Anatomy and Medical Psychology, Radiology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Microbiology and Immunology, direction of Internal Medicine and Therapy.

Students’ works were assessed by Professor Rima Beriashvili, Professor Tamar Sanikidze,  Professor Elene Abzianidze , Professor Zurab Kakabazde , Assistant Professor - David Tskhomelidze , Associate Professor Luiza Gabunia, Professor Samson Mgebrishvili, Vano Mzhavia - coordinator of the first phase for certified doctor program, Neli Gigolaeva , Lali Antadze, Tika Tkemaladze and Salome Kiparoidze.

The audience listened with great interest to students: Tamar Jibuti, Mary Jinjikhadze, Teona Muzashvili, Tatia Burkadze

Tamar Danelia, Nidhi Kumar Desval, Iljaz Ahmed Lia, Khatuna Lobzhanidze, Tamara Egorova, Nasrin Irfan , Sumit Duta , Vartuhi Grigorain, Mariam Chalisuri, Sukania Pati, Pikria Gorgodze, Marika Turava , Natia Pirtskhalava, Irina Selepanova, Sri Ramani Pisapati, Tornike Mtavrishvili, Aiagari Sai lahiris ...

The authors of the best works were Georgian students: Pikria Gorgodze, Marika Turava and Natia Pirtskhalava (IV year students, Faculty of Medicine of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, supervisor –Khatuna Kudava), Tamar Jibuti (II year, Faculty of Stomatology, Tbilisi State Medical University, Supervisor – Gia Didava), Tornike Mtavrishvili (II year, TSMU Faculty of Medicine, Supervisor- Marika Surguladze). The best works of  foreign students: Iljaz Ahmed Lia (II year, TSMU Faculty of Medicine, Supervisor- Tika Tkemaladze),  Nasrin Irfan , Sumit Duta, Vartuhi Grigorain (III year, TSMU Faculty of Medicine, Supervisor- Malvina Javakhadze), Nidhi Kumar Desval Mtavrishvili (II year, TSMU Faculty of Medicine, Supervisor- Tika Tkemaladze).


The best posters revealed:  George Meskhia "Atherosclerosis," Tornike  Kaladze and Michael Janjgava "Synthesia", club "vitalis" - "World of Illusions", Archil Sharvashidze "Pneumonia" and Alexandr Gvenetadze, Khatia  Brekashvili and Michael Janjgava "Smoker's Body."       

TSMU Assistant Professor  Davit Tskhomelidze, nominated as the most active lecturer, expressed his satisfaction that the students were interested and have the courage to represent their works to the audience in foreign language. This is a big experience for them. There are a lot of good students at the University, but due to the language barrier they restrain themselves from representing their thoughts in foreign language. This complex should  be removed and Georgian students will be able to  submit their accomplishments and thoughts in the language understandable for the others, thereby improving students’ motivation and learning level at  Tbilisi State Medical University. We will maintain the students in every way that they can be better prepared, as specialists, and to be able to present themselves not only in their home country but also abroad. The university administration and full team of academic staff are promoting this direction.  Students’ XV Scientific-Training Talks In  informal environment was ended by  small  stand-up lunch.