Lectures by Prof. Dr. Vasilios Roussis for the Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy

On May 1, 2014, Prof. Dr. Vasilios Roussis, Director of Pharmacognosy Laboratory of Pharmaceutical School at University of Athens delivered lecture at Tbilisi State Medical University on “Prospects of using biologically active metabolites of the algae of  the Mediterranean Sea".

The lecture was attended by Prof. Dali Berashvili, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, students and young pharmacists. The lecture of Prof. Vasilios Roussis was very interesting. The lecture was dedicated to the study of red and green algae of the Mediterranean Sea. Prof. Dr. Vasilios Roussis noted that biologically active substances of great perspectives were extracted from the algae. One of the substances appeared to have anti-inflammatory effects 200 times as much as aspirin. As the scientific activities of our Department are not focusing on the algae, it was new and exciting information for our students. We offered to Professor Vasilios Roussis, to work on the Black Sea algae and he agreed gladly. We have agreed on future collaboration“.