Representatives of Giresun University (Turkey) visited Tbilisi State Medical University

On April 30, 2014 Representatives of Giresun University  (Turkey) visited Tbilisi State Medical University. It is a relatively new university , which has already gained a reputation. According to Adem Usta Head of Public Relations Department of Giresun University  (Turkey) there are 25,000 students, among them 400 are foreigners , 10 of them – citizens of  Georgia. Prof. Aigun Attar, Rector of Giresun University  knows Tbilisi State Medical university very well, she has observed the study process at TSMU for years and she would be glad  to develop a close relationship  with the higher educational institution of such traditions and innovative approaches.  


 The guests from the Turkey: Vice-Rector Professor Mahir kadakal, Coordinator for International Relations Associate Professor Sherin Dili, Chairman of  the Center for Learning Turkish and Foreign Languages  Assistant Professor Ahmed Gungior, Talip Terzoghlu instructor for social sciences, lecturer of foreign languages ​​Sena Sait  Beiatl  were met by the representatives of Tbilisi State Medical University: Rector Prof. ZurabVadachkoria, Vice - Rector Prof. Rima Beriashvili , Vice - Rector Professor akhaber Chelidze, Prof. Ia valiani Head of  International Relations Department,  Associate Professor George Giorogobiani Head of Department of Overseas Students Education, Assistant Professor - David Tofuria , Professor Manana Kutelia Director foreign languages Centre,  Zaza Talakhadze Head of the Department of Public Relations , Irina Kapetivadze Deputy Head of International Relations Department and Assistant of the Rector David Delibashvili.  


TSMU Rector, Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria introduced the guests to the history and current opportunities of our University in details. According to Professor Mahir Kadakal Vice-Rector of Giresun University  Turkey and Georgia  are the neighboring countries, and it will be desirable to develop  close relationships in educational  field as well. The Turkish side is interested to activate  many exchange programs with Georgia.  Within the frames of " Mevlana " the agreement has been concluded  according to which, in summer TSMU  students will pass  training courses at Giresun University.    The Turkish side asked for assistance of Tbilisi State Medical University to send its  experienced staff to the Giresun University to deliver lectures. In this regard an official invitation was made from the Turkish side. After the formal meeting, the Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University showed the TSMU photo gallery which reflects the history of Tbilisi State Medical University. The guests visited TSMU Center of Clinical skills. They saw modern equipped classrooms, talked to students who have expressed great satisfaction with the learning process. Professor Irma Manjavidze Director of the Center of Clinical skills explained  the principle on which the teaching process is based at Tbilisi State Medical University and the results of the objective structured clinical examination.

According to Mrs. Sadek Attar the  wife of the Rector of Giresun University she has received an incomplete medical education and then received  complete qualification of the engineer. She had heard a lot about the Tbilisi State Medical University, she expected to see professional staff and high-level learning environment here but what she saw, it exceeded expectations. TSMU Center of Clinical skills the delegation from Turkey was met by the citizens of Turkey the VI year students of TSMU. The students confirmed that here formation of a true professionals  is possible  and the years spent  at TSMU is  great experience for them.