Anniversary of Professor Chuburidze and the II International Scientific Conference on “Pharmaceutical Sciences in the XXI Century


On May 2-4, 2014, the II International Scientific Conference on  Pharmaceutical Sciences in the XXI Century was held at  Tbilisi State Medical University which was devoted to the 90th anniversary of an outstanding scholar, teacher and public figure, Professor Chumbutidze. The conference was preceded by an anniversary ceremony. As TSMU Rector, Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria said TSMU administration and academic staff expresses its great respect to the outstanding scientist.  “We are proud of your activities, you are loved by the students, your every advise is very valuable for us, you are standing honestly before Georgian science”. Professor Alesha Bakuridze, Vice-President of Pharmacists Association of Georgia  spoke about the life of Prof. Chumburidze and contribution made by him to Georgian science. Nugzar Chitaia, Head of Higher Education Development Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, focused attention on the outstanding services of Prof Chumburidze. At the opening ceremony  many warm words were said. The event was attended by foreign guests from 14 countries; rectors and professors from different universities of Georgia; professors and scientists former pupils of Prof. Chumburidze.


George Antadze, Head of GMP, representative of Iternational Qyality  Colsunting Inc. (Germany) in Georgia, certified officer of west-German quality management accreditation organ  - TUV Cert (Germany), member of ECA academy of European compliance with GMP, auditor of GMP, certified by European chemical industry board and Qualified Person (QP) in Europe, said that  the most honorary title for him  is that he is called as a disciple of Prof. Bidzina Chumburidze. He is not only a progressive-minded scientist, but also a citizen, respected and impartial caretaker of his country.  As George Antadze recalled: after the tragedy of April 9, 1989, while Russian soldiers were patrolling the streets and sidestepping of military hours were punished, going out and taking test samples on the ground where the tragedy happened, was equal to the heroism. Prof. Bidzina Chumburidze together with his students and assistants went out and secretly obtained the material after studying of which ​​the conclusion on using the prohibited chemical substances was made. Prof. Chumburidze is known and respected in the whole Caucasus region, countries of former Soviet Union and in Europe. The guests talked enthusiastically about his research and personal merits. Professor Zurab  Chumburidze, Doctor of Philology, on behalf of the family thanked the respected scientist and glorious citizen over again. It is difficult to list all speakers who addressed to the professor Chumburidze… every word was sincere.  Prof. Bidzina thanked all for such expression of love and first of all to the TSMU leadership, the rector and all the organizers of the anniversary. The II International Scientific Conference on  Pharmaceutical Sciences in the XXI Century was devoted to the anniversary of Prof. Chumburidze. The speeches were done by: Prof. Chumburidze, Prof. Francisco Macias, Prof. Vasilios Rousis, Associate Professor Adam Matkovski, Professor Levon Melikian, Prof. Margarita Beglarian, Professor Alesha Bakuridze, and other speakers. Workshops and stand reporting  were held. The report of Professor T. Chumburidze and his scientific team on new medicine Dualer-G was particularly interesting. According to Prof. T. Chumburidze this is a new compound, which is characterized by a wide spectrum of activity.  The new drug is the result of 20 years hard labor.  The conference demonstrated that Georgian scientists are working hard  so reaching the good theoretical and practical results. Unlike their European colleagues, they are conducting research activities n difficult conditions but are interesting for  European scientists. Everything is the result of their enthusiasm, which is so typical of the majority of our scientists, and Prof. Bidzina Chumburidze…


The proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference on  Pharmaceutical Sciences in the XXI Century was published in the journal and handed to the guests of the Conference. At the end of the Conference all participants were awarded the Certificates.