Conclusive Event of the 1st Year Students of American MD Program (Emory) - Conference on Public Health


On May 15, 2014, the 1st Year Students of American MD Program (Emory) arranged the Conclusive Event at the Meeting Hall of Tbilisi State Medical University - a conference on public health.

Conference participants were welcomed by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rectof of TSMU, Prof. Rima Beriashvili Vice-Rector. They told lots of warm words to future colleagues and focused on those aspects, important for development of a successful healthcare system...


Together with the University Rector and Vice - Rector the Conference was attended by Archil  Undilashvili Assistant Professor of Public Health at Emory University, Associate Professor George Giorgobiani Head of the Department of Overseas Students Education, Levan Metrevli Academic Doctor of Medicine  and Financial Director of TSMU G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic... 

According to Archil  Undilashvili Assistant Professor of Public Health at Emory University “This event was  held within the framework -  "becoming a doctor". " Becoming a doctor "  is a new training course in American MD Program.

It is aiming at preparing students to become professional doctors  from the first day. “Public health systems”, introducing  the students to public health system, was included as a part of the mentioned course. Doctor’s profession is not limited by the knowledge how to do the operation. You need to know what a world and environment you have to work in”.


A year passed, the students have been trained according to American MD Program and the results are very impressive.  They are able to present better as  the subject as themselves.

Here the focus was made on the team work presented by the students, which is considered as more difficult in comparison with individual work performance. If the group does not sit and discuss the issue to come to the  consensus, it will not work ...  These skills are  essential for doctors who have to work in the team of colleagues, to share ideas and come to certain conclusion".

The team works were presented by five groups of students. After presentation, the students were assessed by Prof. Rima Beriashvili TSMU Vice-Rector  and Levan Metreveli. They expressed their satisfaction with the important work  done by each student for preparation of the conference topics. Participants were handed the certificates.