The Summary Conference on the Results of Summer and Winter School Programs

On May 16, 2014, the Summary Conference on the results of intensive educational university programs-summer and winter schools - with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science within 2013-2014 academic years, was held. Among the other universities, the Tbilisi State Medical University was presented at the conference. Our Winter School project on "Principles of diagnostic methods and medical equipment" attracted a great deal of attention. In the Conference participated not only TSMU students but the students from the Universities of Kutaisi, Batumi and Telavi. Among the guests were Professors from US, Poland and Greece.

The summary conference was attended by Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia,  Tamar Sanikidze, Minister of Education and Science, Professor Tassilo Schmitt, University of Bremen, Professor ZurabVadachkoria Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Giga Zedania, Rector of Ilia State University, Levan Alexidze, Vice- Rector of Tbilisi State University, students, academic personnel and supervisors.

Raising the quality of education is one of the main priorities of the Georgian Government, - said Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili in his speech at the Conference, dedicated to the results of Summer and Winter School Programs.

Head of government focused on the new Government-led educational project, and expressed hope that the winter and summer schools will promote development of skills and expansion of outlook in young people. According to Prime Minister, implementation of such programs is a further step forward, towards the European Higher Education Area. "That is why support education is our main priority. This is evidenced by the establishment of the International Education Centre that will help the students to get education, develop their skills and qualification according to the international standards. Our government makes every effort to create all conditions for development and knowledge realization. I believe in young people, I believe in you”- said Prime Minister to young participants of the Conference.

According to the Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria - "Tbilisi State Medical University strongly supports winter and summer school project initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. This project provides an opportunity for internationalization and internationalization is one of the priorities for Medical University and medical education as a whole.  Prime Minister said that the initiative should come from universities, from their rectors and certainly, I agree with him ...We have more than 1900 students from 37 countries at TSMU and this figure is growing with time as the Tbilisi State Medical University is interesting for them. We are oriented not only on winter and summer schools, but throughout the year we have been making every effort to invite professors (as many as possible) from different countries. For two years, 220 professors were invited at Tbilisi State Medical University from the universities of U.S. Canada, Israeli, and other EU countries. It was good not only for educational purposes, but the Georgian health care system in whole. In accordance with Georgian legislation we managed to get for them the right to medical practice in Georgia. They conducted more than 300 consultations and more than 100 most complicated surgeries, attended by our students, residents, professors ... This program is of particular importance for medical education. I believe the result will be obvious. This will be reflected on the level of education in our country "..


Tamar Sanikidze, Minister of Science and Education, talking about the project - “Summer and Winter Schools” initiated by the Ministry, mentioned that the project aims to fund the students who present scientific projects relevant to the actual topics.

Minister introduced the projects funded in current academic year: " Introduction to Digital Philology" , " Digital humanity - Georgian and XXI Century Challenges", "Power and ideology in the Old World", “Critical thinking in social science'', “Physical principles of diagnostic methods and medical equipment'', “From classic criticism of religion to the idea – freedom of religion'', “Geophysical evaluation of alternative energy sources'', ''Innovative teaching orienteer”. As we can see, the themes are relevant and each of them is of great importance for our country. TSMU Professor Tamar Sanikidze presented the members of Summer School to the audience. Their theme of the conference was highly resonant. Winter and summer school programs have been initiated in the past year. Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia planned annual implementation of the project.