German embassy monthly internet publication published an article on collaboration between Koch-Metschnikow-Forum and Tbilisi State Medical University

In May issue of the German embassy monthly internet-publication was published the article of Professors: Manana Kutelia and Timo Ulrich about the exchange programs within the frame of collaboration between Koch-Metschnikow-Forum and Tbilisi State Medical University.

Within the frame of partnership developed between  Koch-Metschnikow-Forum and Tbilisi State Medical University, in February-march, four exchange  students from TSMU were do the training at Hospitals and health Care Unites of Berlin.

Koch-Metschnikow-Forum through numerous contacts with experts and institutions, managed to take into account each student's interest: they were introduced to the works of Departments of Surgery (German Heart Center) and Psychiatry, TB control institute in Berlin, diagnostic laboratory at DRK clinics, Robert - Koch Institute and other public health institutions. Exchange students, participating in the program, were financially supported by Dr. Johann Profster, TSMU honorary doctor, currently also helping TSMU in building a new university clinic. The next group of exchange students visit Berlin in  August / September.

The exchange program aims to enhance students' professional knowledge, as well as preparation of young-specialists through exchange training programs. Due to a lack of places receiving postgraduate education is limited in Georgia, but in Germany there is a lack of doctors and demand in doctors is very high. That's why the TSMU graduates are encouraged to pass practical trainings at German hospitals and finally, after mastering use their qualifications and skills in Georgia. In addition, Koch-Metschnikow-Forum, in close cooperation with Akkon - High School of Humanities, plan to establish a joint master program in the field of Public health.