Students' Conference on Oncology

On May 15, 2014, Students' Conference on Oncology, organized by Tbilisi State Medical University, I. Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society and Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology- GASCO, was held at dissertation hall of TSMU administrative building. The conference was opened and welcomed by Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University who spoke about the importance of students’ conferences and emphasized the importance of such events for students' professional development. He thanked the organizers of the conference, the students from different universities who participated in the event and TSMU Department of Oncology and Hematology for their strong support.

The speeches were delivered by: Prof. Rema Ghvamichava, Prof. Michael Shavdia, Prof. David Tabagari founder of "Medulla" clinic, Micheil Janjgava President of TSMU  I. Tarkhnishvili Students' Scientific Society. In the Conference participated the students of Tbilisi State Medical University, I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Akaki Tsereteli State University.

 The works presented were very interesting and prepared professionally: "Epigenetic of tumor from mechanism to therapy" ( Kakha Bregvadze (TSMU ) , supervisor Prof. Eliko Abzianidze , Prof. Eka Kvaratshelia TSMU Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics), "Cancer and psychological factors " ( Tatia Melikidze (TSMU) Tamta Kuchukhidze (TSMU ), Anna Kiria (TSU)  supervisor Prof. Rema Ghvamichava TSMU Department of Oncology and Hematology), “Tumor immunotherapy '' (Gocha Tsiskadze (TSU) and Natia Beridze (TSU) supervisor: Prof. Tamara Rukhadze TSU Department of Oncology and palliative Care), " Breast Cancer" ( Nana Gelenidze ( Akaki Tsereteli State University)  supervisor : Prof. Maguli Chkhobadze (ATSU - the Department of pathological Anatomy), Prof.Tamriko Valishvili (ATSU Physiology Department), "Role of Mammography in early diagnostics of breast cancer" (Tamar taktakishvili, TSMU) supervisor: Desi Bibileishvili - Doctor - radiologist ), "Epigenetic mechanisms of acute myeloid leukemia " (Rusudan Mamuchadze TSMU),  Rusudan Goletiani (TSMU), Nani Kvarackhelia (TSMU), Mariam Gvelesiani (TSMU) supervisor: Prof. Elene Abzianidze, Prof. Eka Kvarackhelia ( Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics), "Cervical Cancer" Mariam Abisonashvili (TSMU), Nino Tukvadze (TSMU) supervisor Professor  George Didava ( TSMU  Department of Pathological Anatomy and Tsitopatologiis ), "Cervical Cancer" (Nino Verulashvili ( ATSU ) supervisors:  Prof. Tamriko Valishvili (ATSU - Department of Physiology ), Prof. Maguli Chkhobadze (ATSU Department of pathological Anatomy), Prof. Natia Arabidze (ATSU clinical pathologist ), "Leukoplakia " (Ketevan Purichamiashvili (TSMU) supervisor : Prof. Josef Abesadze. The presented themes aroused great interest among participants, and discussion sessions were conducted as well...

The best papers were revealed: Rusudan Mamuchadze TSMU, Rusudan Goletiani (TSMU), Nani Kvarackhelia (TSMU), Mariam Gvelesiani (TSMU) - "Epigenetic mechanisms of acute myeloid leukemia", supervisor: Prof. Elene Abzianidze, Prof. Eka Kvarackhelia ( Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics), and Kakha Bregvadze (TSMU) -"Epigenetic of tumor, from mechanism to therapy" supervisor Prof. Eliko Abzianidze, Prof. Eka Kvaratshelia, TSMU Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics,

The authors were gifted oncology textbooks; the scientific papers will be published in annual scientific collection of Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology (GASCO). All works presented at the conference will be published in annual summary collection issued by I. Tarknishvili Students' Scientific Society. At the end of the conference all participants were awarded the certificates; the conference ended with small fourchette.