Commemorative plaque of Prof. Tamar Dekanosidze was Opened.

On 23 May 2014, a Commemorative Plaque of Professor Tamar Dekanosidze was opened on the wall of the house where the great scientist lived.

The event was attended by the Professor ZurabVadachkoria TSMU Rector, Prof. Rima Beriashvili Vice - Rector, Teimuraz Naneishvili Vice - President of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Academician Pridon Todua, Academician Roman Shakarishvili Professor Ramaz Chikhaladze, other scientists and educators. Many of them disciples of Prof. Tamara Dekanosidze recalled their honored teacher with great appreciation.

The event was opened by Professor Ramaz Chixladze. Speeches were given by favorite disciple of Prof. Tamara Dekanosidze Prof. ZurabVadachkoria TSMU Rector, Vice-President Academician Roman Shakarishvili, Vice President Academician Teimuraz Naneishvili, distinguished disciples Professor Rima Beriashvili, Prof. Avtandil  Jorbenadze and her most favorite disciple Professor Dimitri Kordzaia, Director of A.Natashvili Institute of Experimental Morphology.  They recalled the contribution,  life and scientific activity of a famous Professor.

Commemorative plaque of Prof. Tamar Dekanosidze was opened by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria and Academician Pridon Todua. A lot of warm words were told towards Prof. Tamar Dekanosidze. The guests recalled that after graduation from the Institute she started work at the Department of Pathological Anatomy as an assistant, then was elected as Assistant Professor and Professor. She is the author of more than 250 scientific publications  related to  nerve - tissue relationships at normal and pathological conditions, morphological principles of gerogenic  changes, necessity of evaluation medical - biological processes from  synergetic positions (molecular biology, biophysics). She published 65 monographs, including "compensatory adaptation processes and morpho - functional principles", which was awarded by  Tarknishvili Prize. Under her leadership 187 candidates and 72 doctoral dissertations/theses  were defended. Tamar Dekanosidze was elected as a member of many International Associations such as Pathologic Anatomy, Gerontology, Atherosclerosis and etc. She was a member of many Georgian Associations in Medical field.

Tamar Dekanosidze, as editorial board member of many medical journals (Big Soviet Encyclopedia, Georgian Encyclopedia, Journal "Архив патологий", etc.), conducted  very productive activities. Numerous international scientific forums, both in Georgia and abroad were carried out by direct participation of Prof. Tamar Dekanosidze. Tamar Dekanosidze was beloved in medical community and outside of it. He was friendly with well-known artists, and desired guest everywhere.

Many events were dedicated to the memory of a great scholar Tamar Dekanosidze at Tbilisi State Medical University. Tamar Dekanosidze immortalized herself with her creative life. This board even as a small sign of his earthly life just will remind every Georgian that here lived a great scientist  and honored teachers - Tamar Dekanosidze. Her contribution will never be forgotten ..