Lectures by German Professors at TSMU

On May 27, 2014, Professors of the Duisburg Clinic of Maxillo-facial-Plastic Surgery and Implantology (Germany):  Dr.med. Helmut Sieber, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor, Dr. Andreas Hammacher, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor and Dr.Victor Weilert, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor delivered the lectures for TSMU students and all interested specialists at Tbilisi State Medical University. The lectures were attended by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, TSMU Rector, Prof. Samson Mgebrishvili, Dean of the Faculty of Stomatology, University Professors, doctors of University Clinics, IV and V year students of TSMU and other interested persons…

The audience was extremely interested in topics and content of the lectures by Prof. Dr.Victor Weilert - "Frontal teeth traumatic injuries in children”, Prof. Dr. Dr.med. Helmut Sieber - " Diagnosis and treatment of disoclusia" and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hammacher - " Inflammatory diseases of maxilla-facial area". After lectures question-answer session was conducted;

According to David Jmukhadze, invited teacher at the Department of Pediatric and Adult  Stomatology and Stomatological (Dental) Diseases Prevention, at the lectures were discussed new approaches of maxilla-facial  surgery, reconstructive operations in post- trauma treatment and jaw deformations and maxillo-mandibular disgnatia... This is very important and interesting issues for professionals and students. We are making every effort to inform students on the most recent and interesting advances and achievements, attending the lectures on various topics delivered by reputable professionals. It is not the first time German guests: Dr.med. Helmut Sieber, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor, Dr. Andreas Hammacher, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor and Dr.Victor Weilert, TSMU honorary doctor and invited Professor visited TSMU. This is the fourth cycle of their lectures.

After the lectures, the students said, that it is really great and important experience to share the experiences and achievements of European professors. University is permanently offering TSMU students the lectures by foreign Professors, which is important in terms of their professional formation. It should be emphasized that on May 27, German Professors provided consultations for 50 patients at Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic. On 29 -30 May, 13 operations will  be conducted  at Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic.