June 1, at N1 Dental Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University

On June special celebration was arranged for children  at TSMU N1 Dental Clinic.   Every child was cheerfully welcomed by medical staff of the Clinic, showed them attractive orangery in the entrance of the clinic. Then doctors were explaining to the children in game how to care of oral cavity after eating ... Children felt themselves truly as  at holiday, moreover,  they were given the  gifts: high -quality dental brushes  and tooth pastes,  sweet from company “Barambo” and  festive pie slice ..

On this day, disabled children specially invited to attend the event were in the center of attention.

According to Dr. David Khvedeliani Director of TSMU N1 Dental Clinic, Academic Doctor of Medicine, the 1st of June is one of the traditional festive days for the Clinic: "We always celebrate on the International Children's Day by arranging the event.  It is the fifth year we are inviting children with disabilities at our Clinic. For them we are arranging the talks, explanations of how to take care of the oral cavity. If adults are aware of the importance of oral care  children are less likely to know ... that is why we are providing  them with complete information. Have been examined children oral cavity and studied conditions of their teeth and gums. Patients were treated by therapist - dentists  and  orthodontists. Within the frames of action every child got festive cake slice, and were given   sweets. But we also reminded them that after having the sweets it is necessary to clean the teeth. Children were handed toothpastes, brushes . I would like to thank TSMU  leadership for their support in arranging this celebration event, Tbilisi representatives of  " Colgate Total", the health care professional league, stock company “Barambo”,  it is the second year  “Barambo” brings  sweets for  children on June 1. The children were sitting in dentist's chair with cheerful mood.

Lika Sanodze, Deputy Director of N1 Dental Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University warmly welcomed every child. According to her it is already 5 years they actively celebrate on June 1 "We try to arrange friendly and festive environment for healthy and disabled children, all of us are especially waiting for this day. Clinic accounts for more than 50 years of existence. We are trying to merge rich traditions to useful news and provide good service for everyone “.

At present, the clinic works according to international standards using modern high- standard technology; highly qualified medical personnel provides full-scale, specialized dental care, as well as teaching and research process for  the population (both adults and children).