The Next Charity Event

On  June 1, 2014 within the frames of the memorandum concluded between Tbilisi State Medical University and the organization - " Georgian Dream - Healthy Future",  the next charity event on International Children's Day  was held in Dedoplistskaro Region. In this event participated the medical staff of G.Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic.  They provided consultations for more than 140 children  and adults from the villages of Dedoplistskaro Region.

Consultations  for children and their parents were provided by the experienced and qualified doctors: Tengiz Bakhtadze (surgeon), Tamaz Gabunia (traumatologist ), Nana Geladze it ( neurologist ), Nana Khachapuridze it ( neurologist ), Marina Gagoshidze ( pediatrician ), Ketevan Gogberashvili (pediatrician), Rusudan Ioseliani (pediatrician), Ketevan Makashvili (pediatrician),  Maya Pkhaladze ( endocrinologist ) , Nino Jankarashvili ( endocrinologist ), Louisa Tsomaia ( ophthalmologist ) , Iren Kekelidze (otolaryngologist ), Gela Imerlishvili (maxillo - facial surgeon) , David Kobaxidze  (maxillo - facial surgeon ). An exceptional cases were marked for further  interventions  and planning further measures. Parents of children participating in the event expressed their gratitude to the doctors and especially noted the great importance of this charity event for their children.

Within the frame of memorandum, conducting the such charity events are planned in other regions of Georgia as well.