Lecture By Alexander Fetsich, a Speaker of MICERIUM SPA on

On 31 May and 1 June 2014,  by invitation of Company DentalMarket and support of Tbilisi State Medical University, Alexander Fetsich, a speaker of MICERIUM SPA (Italy) was hosted by  Professional Association of Stomatologists and  Dental Clinic and Training - Research Center UniDent. He is a disciple of Professors : Lorenzo Vanini and Daniel Rondin and an author of numerous publications. He is a member of European Association of Esthetic Dentistry and a professional speaker and clinical consultant for training Centers: “Лигея", "Веритас", "Медиа Дент" and "Белий Град".

On May 31, Sasha Fetsich delivered a lecture on "Direct reconstruction of frontal and chewing teeth" and on June 1 held a masterclass. The lecture hall was overcrowded by  attendees. All listened with great interest to the young, but very experienced professional. A large part of the audience were young dentists, in the hall there were also highly skilled professionals and V year students of TSMU Faculty of Stomatology.  The lecture was attended by Professor Samson Mgebrishvili Dean of the Faculty of Stomatology, Professors: Marina Mamaladze, Manana Iveriali, Nino Tchipashvili, Nino Abashidze, Nana Kiphiani and others. It was the second meeting of Dental Society with the representatives of "MICERIUM"


According to Prof. Marina Mamaladze; “By the way, this company and its products appeared in Georgian dental market quite late. This is a very high quality and popular restorative material that is currently used by every dentist in esthetic stomatology. For our society, which is eager to be aware of all the news in restorative dentistry, this material is very interesting. Unfortunately, we  started its promotion  so late. Instead, we start it with a quick pace.  TSMU Department of Odontology has a rich experience in the field of teeth restorations.

By support of our Department, it is the 5th year that Professional Association of Stomatologists is organizing championship in teeth direct restorations. Five times traveled our champions to Ukraine to participate in international competition and always returned back with prize certificates and  diplomas. I am very happy to be there and see a lot of young people, our lecturer is quite young as well and ... I believe that restorative dentistry is a matter of youth. Alexander Fetsich is a person who loves his job very much. I once again was assured by master class by him held on June 1”. After lecture and master classes attending dentists and students noted that they gained considerable knowledge and experience. This might be the basis for advancement of restorative dentistry in future.  From the new academic year using MICERIUM innovative restorative material “Enamel +" will be implemented in the Department of Odontology. The 5th year students will master in new dental restorations technology and at the end of the year students’ championship on dental restoration will be held. Winners will be sent  to Italy (Kiet) at International Championship.

We wish them success.