Training of Polish and Armenian Students at TSMU Clinics within the Framework of Bilateral Exchange Program

From July 1 to July 27, 2014, six students from Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland), four students from Gdansk Medical University (Poland) and seventeen students from Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)  passed training course at the Clinics of Tbilisi State Medical University.

Training program was organized by TSMU Department of Relation with TSMU students and alumni and TSMU International Affairs Department within the frames of Memorandums on Cooperation. The students were trained at the Departments of the following Clinics:

- TSMU G.Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic

- AVERSI Clinic

- N.Kipshidze Central University Clinic

- Center of High Medical Technologies, University Clinic

- TSMU A.Urushadze Dental  Clinic


- General Surgery

- Internal Medicine

- Neurology

- Gynecology

- Endocrinology

- Emergency

- Therapeutic Stomatology

On July 25, at the meeting of TSMU Academic Board, Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU awarded the Certificates to Polish and Armenian students, participating in the bilateral exchange program. TSMU Rector emphasized the importance of the bilateral program and expressed readiness to develop collaboration process. It should be noted that it was the first  bilateral exchange program realized between Poznan Medical Sciences and Gdansk Medical Universities, while Yerevan State Medical University  is a traditional partner  of TSMU and already four years  the exchange programs have been implemented successfully.

Students participating in the exchange program were happy and satisfied with the modern university clinics and high professional qualifications of Georgian doctors. According to them they will be happy to have the opportunity to came to Georgia in summer of next year, under an exchange program. Foreign students participated in the cultural events and visited Tbilisi, Mtskheta and Sighnaghy remarkable historical - cultural monuments.