The Lecture by Prof. Francis Louise, Professor of Marseilles University of the Mediterranean at TSMU

The new school year began, and the lectures by foreign Professors initiated last years by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia continued at Tbilisi State Medical University.

Prof. Francis Louise, Professor of  University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marseille II visited TSMU. The interest of students and residents was so great that the hall was crowded by the listeners.

According to Prof. Marina Mamaladze, head of the Department of  Odontology, the lectures of foreign Professors at TSMU, aiming at invitation of  the Professors from US and European countries, was started  a few years ago. "This is a grant-supported program. We choose the professors and lecturers, whose profile fits our curriculum and syllabi, and is important for our students.

Now, Prof. Francis Louise will deliver lectures on the treatment of periodontal diseases. This lecture concerns to the challenges of plastic parodontology, the next one will be devoted to the problems of bone regeneration. The lectures are designed for TSMU students and academic staff, but here are invited the doctor-residents as well since parodontology is very important part of the residency program”.

The Lecture by  Prof. Francis Louise was attended by Prof. Manana Iverieli, Head of Department of Parodontal and Oral Mucosa Disorders, who highly appreciated the strategic approach of Tbilisi State Medical University: "Last year, we invited the Prague University Professors, who delivered  three-day course of lectures for our students. These lectures were very informative for both the students and academic stuff.

At present, that we are  attending the lecture by Prof. Francis Louise, that is a great gift to us. Prof. Francis Louise was here 10 years ago, and delivered the course of lectures. We have long-term partnership with him. We have implemented the exchange program with the University of Marseille  and are preparing a new  exchange program for residents as well".

After the lecture, students and residents made a statement that it was one of the most interesting and useful lecture for them.