Summer School Trainings for students of TSMU Faculty of Medicine at Poznan University clinics

From  August 1  to  August 25,  2014, students of TSMU Faculty of Medicine: Karlo Jikidze,  Ana Tsanava, Mariam Jinjikhadze, Nino Chikovani, Nino Ramazanashvili, Natia Khelashvili and Ana Magaldadze do the clinical training course at the  clinics of Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland). The group of students was supervised by Gogi Chikovani, Senior Specialist of TSMU Students and Alumni Relations Office.

The students were trained at the Departments of Obstetric and Gynecology, Oncology, Intensive Therapy, Cardiology and Endocrinology. They were also involved in practical activities, case studies and developed their theoretical knowledge. During the visit, they met with  Prof. Yaroslav Valkoviak Vice-Rector, and Bozhena Radukha, Head of International Affairs Department of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

There were discussed: future cooperation between the universities, including joint participation in international programs, joint research projects and prospects of cooperation between the university clinics. Agreed to increase the number of students for exchange programs and  involvement of the  students of TSMU Faculty of Stomatology.

From the current year on the base of  invitation and financing of  Poznan University of Medical Sciences, TSMU clinical staff  will have the opportunity to work at  Clinical Departments of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, develop their clinical skills and share experiences of the colleagues. They planned to conclude Bilateral agreement within the frame of  program "ERASMUS +" that will allow TSMU students  academic and administrative staff  to participate in exchange programs. TSMU students visited historic sites of Poznan, the museum "Brama Poznania." At the end of the training, the students were awarded the certificates. For them was arranged a formal dinner.