The Congresses of European Thyroid Association and European Association for the Study of Diabetes

On September 6-10, 2014, The Congress of European Thyroid Association was held and on September 14 - 19, 2014  the Congress of European Association for the Study of Diabetes were held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Prof. David Metreveli, Associated Professor of the direction of Endocrinology of Department of Internal Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University was invited to the both Congresses as a member of European Thyroid Association and European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Prof. David Metreveli, participated in the satellite symposiums devoted to the  actual issues of endocrinology that were sponsored by different International Organizations and Pharmaceutical Companies.

Basic and advanced satellite symposium programs provided by the Congresses were focused on getting the latest information that required a large-scale work. According to Prof. David Metreveli "Participation in these events was the unique opportunity for any endocrinologist and for me as well to get the latest scientific and practical information on topical issues of modern endocrinology. This new knowledge and experience is particularly valuable, as it will help us to raise the educational, scientific and practical level and quality".