International scientific-practical conference on

On September 24-26, 2014 International scientific-practical conference on "Macro-microscopic anatomy of organs and systems at  Norm, Experiment and Pathology" was held in Vitebsk (Belarus), where participated Associate Professor Maia Dgebuadze, M.D., Ph.D., Normal Human Anatomy Department of Tbilisi State Medical University. 

It should be noted that Prof. Maia Dgebuadze was a member of the Organizing Committee. Except of Belarus Scientists in the conference participated the morphologists from Bulgaria, Russia, the Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus and Central Asia;  the papers were presented from China as well.

Prof. Maia Dgebuadze was elected as a chairman of the following sectional meetings - " microstructure of  body organs and systems in norm, experiment and pathology"; "new technologies of teaching  morphological disciplines for producing  modern educational and biological preparations ", and the co-chairman of the Round Table - "Improvement perspectives of material base and staff conditions at morphological departments  and laboratories". She also presented the report: "Liver morphology at experimental sepsis in rabbits". All participants passed the training course on "Innovative methods of teaching of morphology disciplines at Higher Medical institutions”.