Visit of TSMU Rector of Rector to Chernivtsi State Medical University

On October 16-18, 2014, at the behest of Prof. Taras Boychuk, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University attended the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of establishment of Bukovinian State Medical University and Congress of World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations.

On behalf of the University, he addressed to the participants of the event. Professor Zurab Vadachkoria visited the university's clinical bases and the University History Museum, talked to the colleagues and suggested specific activities for development collaboration between the Universities. TSMU Rector visited the Chernivtsi State College (with 203-years of history). Head of the College Mr. Oleksandr Kulik and his deputy, Mrs. Efrosinia Cusack expressed their readiness to cooperate with TSMU nursing school.

Professor Zurab Vadachkoria met with Mykola Tushchuk, Chairman of World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations and introduced him to Archil Morchiladze, Director of the Union of Georgian Medical Associations