Delegation of Tbilisi State Medical University at the University of Leeds

From February 25 to March 1, 2015, Professor Marina Mamaladze Head of TSMU Department of Odontology and  Professor Gaiane Simonia, Head of the TSMU Department of Medical Education, Research and Strategic Development were on the visit to the School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Leeds, UK. The purpose of the visit was attending Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for the IV year students of the Faculty of Dentistry and acquainting with integrated curriculum development methodology and its constituent modules.  Careful acquaintance with the exam process at the University of Leeds revealed lots of innovations and new approaches. Analyzing the examination results showed that OSCE examination process, held at TSMU Department of Odontology, is maximally close to the British standards, recognized as the European ones. 

At the University of Leeds, during the OSCE exam for the IV year students the practical and communicative skills were assessed simultaneously at different periods of the day and at different stations. The results revealed the real picture of which skills the students had mastered better that will make their portfolio more informative. For the coming academic year Professor Marina Mamaladze planned  to organize OSCE exam structure so that the 50% of rate will come to the evaluation of practical skills and 50% - communication skills, respectively.

Meeting of Prof. Marina Mamaladze with Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Professors of Restorative Dentistry who introduced her to curriculum basic scheme and structures of several guidelines (infection prevention and control, restoration of clinical procedures, dental root canal treatment procedures) and showed her phantom course laboratories  equipped with modern apparatus of so-called Virtual preparation was very interesting. During the visit Professor Gaiane Simonia met with  Professors of the Institute of Medical Education of the University of Leeds: Anne-Marie Reid and Richard Fuller. They discussed the new project, submitted for  ERASMUS +.