The Championship in Artificial Restoration of Frontal and Chewing Teeth

On April 8 and May 6, 2015,  the University Championship in  artificial restoration of frontal and chewing teeth  between the V year students of the Faculty of Stomatology was held at the TSMU Department of Odontology. It should be emphasized that the Championship was preceded by several facts: in September 2014, TSMU leadership met with Mrs.Jana Dostalova, an official representative of the company – “Micerium S.p.A” to the Eastern European Countries, during her official visit to TSMU for delivering lecture for the students of the Faculty of Stomatology. She was the first who provided information about the International Championship JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY and the willing of Professor Camillo D’Arcangelo to involve Georgian students in this championship. In December, 2014 Prof. Camillo D’Arcangelo, Dean of the Faculty of  Dentistry of Chieti University of Study (Italy) sent an official  letter to Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, offering participation of the V year student (who will win the University championship) of TSMU in International Championship JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY, Italy.

According to Prof. Camillo D’Arcangelo the winner-student will be invited to Italy together with her/his trainer-supervisor. According to the results of the University Championship, Tatia Aladashvili, V year student of the TSMU Faculty of Stomatology, has been revealed as a winner. The University Championship including students’ selection, solving logistical problems, students’ training and master classes was organized by Associate Professor Nino Korsantia, TSMU Department of Odontology. International Championship in restorative dentistry (JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY)  will be held on June 8, 2015.