The Memorandum Signed Between the European Chiropractors’ Union (ECU) and the Tbilisi State Medical University

On June 19, 2015, at the meeting of TSMU Academic Board, the Memorandum between European Chiropractors’ Union (ECU) and the Tbilisi State Medical University was signed.

The Memorandum was signed  by Øystein Ogre, President of ECU and Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU. This event can be assessed as crucial providing that signing of this Memorandum will become the basis for the project, aiming establishment of Master Degree Program in Chiropractic at TSMU Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The program will be based upon the syllabuses elaborated and developed according to the modern standards by ECU. 

Together with academic staff of TSMU, European  specialists  - highly qualified chiropractors will be involved in implementation of the program. That the invited specialists will provide training of trainers (TOT program) is of great importance as well. 

With the great support of ECU and contributioin of TSMU alumni Dr. George Gedevanishvili (Director of LTD "Benestar") it become real to establish chiropractic profession in Georgia.