XXIV International Congress on Morphological Sciences (ISMS 2015)

On September 2-6, 2015, XXIV International Congress on Morphological Sciences (ISMS 2015) was held in Istanbul (Turkey), where Prof. Maia Dgebuadze, Associate Professor of TSMU Department of Normal Human Anatomy, participated as an invited speaker.

Prof. Maia Dgebuadze presented her report on: ,,Renal Vascular Morphology and Hemodynamics during blood supply by one or more arteries, at norm and hypertension".   At the behest of  Professor Pierre Sprumont, Secretary General  of Anatomical Terminology Committee, and Professor John Fraher Chairman of the meeting,  Professor Maia Dgebuadze attended the meeting of Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) .

At the end of the Congress, Professor Maia Dgebuadze attended and participated in a workshop - "Medical photography. Guidelines for standard photography in gross and clinical anatomy ".