Training of TSMU Students at Utrecht University Medical Center

On August 15-29, 2015, 8 students of TSMU Faculty of Medicine passed summer training course  at the Department of Normal Human Anatomy of  Utrecht University Medical Center (the Netherlands), (Team supervisor – Prof. David Topuria, TSMU Department of Normal Human Anatomy). During the training course TSMU students had the opportunity to be introduced and perform anatomical dissection of: human head, neck, chest, abdominal cavity and pelvis. Lectures and seminars were conducted through interactive format, where every student had the opportunity to attend hands-on  classes using training materials. Students were introduced to modern, three-dimensional (3D) method of anatomical investigation  and attended scientific laboratory tests at  the Department of Normal Human Anatomy.

At the end of the course Professor Ronald Blaise, Head of the Department of Surgical Specialties and Anatomy, Honorary Doctor of TSMU  met  with the program  participants and handed them the certificates.  He praised positively their activities and wished them success in their  future medical practice. Development of future cooperation was planned as well.

At the end of a summer training course special attention was paid on educational and cultural side. The students visited the city's museums and sights. The students of TSMU Faculty of Medicine express their thankfulness to Prof. David Topuria, Professor of TSMU Department of Normal Human Anatomy and a team supervisor for his efforts, supporting  program participants to undergo professional training at one of the leading European universities. Also, they expressed their special gratitude to Professor Ronald Blaise, Head of the Department of Normal Human Anatomy of Utrecht University Medical Centre, who always shows a full solidarity and supports to Georgian students.