Foreign Professors were Introduced to the First TSMU Clinic and Amateur Talent of TSMU Students

TSMU guests - foreign professors and successful Georgians, working abroad in the field of medical education - visiting  University due to the beginning of a new 2015-2016 Academic Year: Prof. Yaroslav Valkovia (Poznan Medical University, Vice-Rector for Science and International Affairs, Poland), Associate Professor Anna Surdyka Vice-Dean of Medical Faculty II Department of Dentistry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland), Professor Emeritus Martin Ritzen  (Karolinska University, Department of Women's and Children's Health Member of the Medical Nobel Council in 1984–2002, Sweden), Professor John R. Fowler (Head of Izmir Kent Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine, Turkey), Prof. Dr. Timo Ulrichs (Berlin Charité Medical University, Head of Koch-Mechnikov Forum Tuberculosis Section,  international health policy expert of Ministry of Health of Germany, TSMU Honorable Doctor, Germany), Professor Otto Dapunt (Department of Cardiac Surgery, Graz University Heart Center, Medical University of Graz,  Austria TSMU Honorable Doctor, Austria), Prof. Dr. Mikhail M. Korda (Rector of I. Gorbachevsk Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine), Professor Tatiana Ilashchuk (Bukovinian State Medical University, Department of Propedeutics, Ukraine), Professor James Lee (TSMU visiting professor, Harvard University, USA), Professor David Dominguez (visiting professor, TSMU MD American course coordinator, Harvard University, the US), Prof. Dr. Irma Kvitsaridze (TSMU alumni, Chief Doctor at Radiation Therapy and Radiooncology Center, Innsbruck University Clinic, TSMU honorary Doctor, Austria), Associate Professor Archil Undilashvili (Emory University, USA), Nicholas Vashakmadze (cardiovascular surgeon) and Giorgi Kvitsaridze (postgraduate student of Karlsruhe State clinic, neurosurgeon), visited the TSMU First University Clinic.

At TSMU First University Clinic the guests were welcomed by: Professor Zurab Ordzhonikidze TSMU Chancellor, Irakli Kokhreidze Director General of the Clinic, Professor Nodar Lomidze Clinical Director and other personnel of the clinic. According to foreign guests, the First University Clinic carries a very important function.  For foreign professors and Georgian guests TSMU arranged the special concert with participation of  student choirs and Ensembles. The students presented folk dances and songs, classical music and European dances.  The concert was attended by: Professor ZurabVadachkoria Rector of TSMU,  academic personnel and students.