Visit of Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of the Department of Odontology, to Dublin

On October 7-11, 2015, Professor Marina Mamaladze Head of the TSMU Department of Odontology visited Dublin (Ireland) to attend the Conference of the International College of Dentists (ICD-2015).

One of the most interesting part of the Conference was the scientific session where the representatives of Great Britain, South Ireland and the US  gave some significant reports. Among them should be emphasized the presentations:  “Vital pulp therapy, old and new problems”  by Prof.H.Duncan and “Postimplantation pain management ”.

Within the frames of the Conference, Professor Marina Mamaladze and  Prof. Sergey Radlinsky arranged many interesting sessions with participation of Prof. Ljubo Marion (Ljubljana, Slovenia) the regent of East European Countries to ICD Committee, Prof. Poll Geluchi (Hungary) and Prof. Akira Senda (Japan).