ISN / EuroPD / ERBP Continuing Medical Education Course in Nephrology

On the 23-24th of  October, 2015, Continuing Medical Education Course in Nephrology ISN / EuroPD / ERBP, organized by: International Society of Nephrologists (ISN), European Peritoneal Dialysis (EuroPD) school, European Renal Best Practice (ERBP), Georgian Dialysis, Nephrology And Kidney Transplantation Union and Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) was held at TSMU. The event was opened and the guests were welcomed by TSMU Associate Professor Irma Chokhonelidze.

The reports were presented by: Professor Wim Van Biesen (Belgium, ERBP), Professor Achim Jörres (Germany, EuroPD), Professor Raymond Vanholder  (Belgium, ISN), Dr. Evi Nagler  (Belgium, ERBP), Professor Simon Davies (UK, EuroPD).