Visit of European Chiropractors to Tbilisi State Medical University

On 29th of October, 2015, Dr. Michael Kondrak member of European Chiropractors' Union and Dr. Gia Gedevanishvili, Director of Company ,,Benestar” visited Tbilisi State Medical University. The guests visited the first University Clinic of TSMU and had the  meeting with TSMU Rector.

The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rectors - Professor Khatuna Todadze and George Abesadze, Professor Lela Maskhulia Dean of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. At the meeting the sides discussed the implementation of the new master's program at the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation which will enable the TSMU students to study Chiropractic profession, which enjoys growing popularity and high demand in the US and Western Europe.

The guests gave high marks to the capabilities of the university clinic and noted that Georgia may become a unique example of the joint work of doctors and chiropractors within one space. According to Dr. Michael Kondrak, he was impressed by the experiences of Tbilisi State Medical University and is going to share his mood with other members of the Union.