Lectures and master classes delivered by Professors of Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich at TSMU

On the 11-13th of December, 2015, Professors of Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (Germany): Rainhold Lang, Fritz Spelsberg, Georgios  Meimarakis, Florian Weis and Giorgi Grigolia MD, PhD Honorary Doctor of Tbilisi State Medical University, working in Germany visited Tbilisi State Medical University. During the visit the German colleagues met with Dr. Irakli Kokhreidze MD, PhD General Director of TSMU First University Clinic and Prof. Nodar Lomidze Clinical Director of the First University Clinic, Prof. Rima Beriashvili, Vice Rector of TSMU and Prof. David Delibashvili Head of International Affairs Department. Dr. Irakli Kokhreidze MD, PhD, General Director of TSMU First University Hospital, expressed his gratefulness to Dr. Giorgi Grigolia working in Germany and German Professors for the contribution and support they provided to Tbilisi State Medical University for many years.  He also introduced to working specific and departments and situation at the Departments of the Hospital. The sides discussed the directions of future cooperation and prospects.  At the end of the meeting  Professors of  Ludwig Maximilian University visited operating rooms, emergency center and laboratory of the University Hospital. German Professors delivered lectures at the conference hall of the University Clinic for TSMU students and residents:

• "Preoperative diagnosis" - Professor Florian Weis, Ludwig Maximilian University;

• "Surgical aspects preventing  overweighting" - Professor Reinhold Lang, Ludwig Maximilian University;

• "Arteriosclerosis" - Professor Georgios Meimarakis,  Ludwig Maximilian University;

• "Wound healing  and stitch technique" - Fritz Spelsberg, Ludwig Maximilian University;

• "Transplantation or resection at  primary tumor of the liver "; “Preoperational anticoagulation therapy ” – Dr. Giorgi Grigolia, Honorary Doctor of Tbilisi State Medical University.

After the lectures, Professors held the master-classes on surgical suture and anastomosis is surgical technique for  TSMU undergraduate and postgraduate  students.  At the First University Hospital, German Professors will select 6 students of TSMU who will pass training course at Munich Ludwig Maximilian University in 2016. Within the frame of the visit, providing free medical consultations for stationary patients of TSMU First University Hospital  is planned.