Visit of Dr. Rajiv Yadav to TSMU

On the 22nd of  December,  2015, TSMU was visited by: Dr. Rajiv Yadav, representative of  Birmingham Heartland Hospital (UK), Ekaterine Nandoshvili, consultant of endocrinology and diabetes management, endocrinologists: Nino Chumburidze and Maka Kvirikashvili honorary doctor of TSMU. The guests were welcomed by: Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, TSMU Rector, Prof. Rima Beriashvili, Vice-Rector and Irina Kapetivadze, Deputy Head of International Affairs Department.

According to Dr. Rajiv Yadav, training courses in the clinics of Great Britain might be planned for undergraduate and postgraduate students of TSMU. The future plans of cooperation were outlined as well.