The Conference on ,,Interventional Methods in Hepatobiliary Surgery

On December 24, 2015, a Scientific-Practical Conference on ,,Interventional Methods in  Hepatobiliary Surgery " was held at TSMU. The conference was organized by the Tbilisi State Medical University, Association of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, Georgian  Association of Surgeons. The event was attended by: Prof. Zurab Ordzhonikidze Chancellor of TSMU, Professor Khatuna Todadze Vice-Rector, Prof. Tinatin Chikovani Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Samson Mghebrishvili Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Nodar Lomidze Clinical Director of TSMU First University Clinic, Administrative and academic staff of TSMU, students and specialists of the field. The event was opened and the audience welcomed by Professor Khatuna Todadze Vice-Rector. She introduced history and traditions of the University to the guests, and expressed her thankfulness to the organizers, for their contribution experience and knowledge sharing made in this field of medicine.

The participants gave the reports:

-   Dmitriy Yurlevich (Republican Center of Transplantology, Minsk, Belarus) – Endovascular technologies in abdominal surgery.

-   Malkhaz Mizandari (Tbilisi State Medical University) - Portal vein thrombus percutaneous recanalization - the bridge to curative treatment of liver malignancy

-   Irina Ten (National Center of Oncology and Transplantology, Astana, Kazakhstan) – Mechanical methods in biliary intervention

-   Malkhaz Mizandari (Tbilisi State Medical University) - Ballon asisted percutaneous descending litholapaxy - the universal technique of CBD, pancreatic duct and ureter stones removal