Professor Thomas Eichhorn’s visit to Tbilisi State Medical University

On January 27, 2016, Prof.  Thomas Eichhorn Head of the Department of ENT Diseases, Head and Neck Surgery of Berlin University Cottbus Clinic (Germany), visited Tbilisi State Medical University and met with Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU.  The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rectors of TSMU: Professor Khatuna Todadze and Rima Beriashvili, Prof. Tinatin Chikovani Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Nino Abralava Director of TSMU Foreign Language Center, Prof. David Delibashvili Head of International Relations Department, Irina Kapetivadze Deputy Head of the same Department and  Ketevan Vashakidze TSMU student of residency program.

It should be noted that the Tbilisi State Medical University has developed a long-term partnership with Berlin University Cottbus Clinic. TSMU students are passing training courses in German clinic for several years. According to Prof.  Thomas Eichhorn Clinic is ready to host TSMU undergraduate and postgraduate students and specialists.