New Cycle of Master Classes by TSMU Department of Odontology

Master Classes conducted by TSMU Department of Odontology for the doctors of TSMU A. Urushadze Central Dental Clinic  has become an important tradition. “Practical issues of Modern Reconstruction Dentistry  and Clinical Endodontics”. The first meeting conducted by the Department of Odontology, was devoted to “application of oral  cavity insulation systems”, but at present  on the initiative of Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of TSMU Department of Odontology, a new cycle of Master Classes “Practical issues of Modern Reconstruction Dentistry  and Clinical Endodontics” were started for the doctors of  University Dental Clinics (TSMU A. Urushadze Central Dental Clinic, TSMU #1 and #2 Clinics). 

On February, 8, 2016, the first presentation of this cycle was conducted on “The principles of modern canal system endodontic treatment - coronary access to the Apex”. The event was attended by 17 stomatologists. An interesting presentation was followed by the modern master-classes equipped with modern facilities, where individual workplaces were prepared for each attendee separately. The students fulfilled all practical stages step by step envisaged by modern protocol on tooth root canal treatment. Prof. Lia Sanodze, Director of the Clinic and Associate Professor of TSMU Department of Odontology and Sopio Jincharadze  Deputy Director were  directly involved  in Master-class organizational issues.

The rest master classes will be held according to the tabled schedule. Directors of the Clinics will be notified about the dates in advance.