Elsevier Representative at TSMU

On March 10, 2016, the meeting with Mr. Petr Golkevich a representative of ,,Elsevier“ to the  Central and Eastern Europe responsible for the ,,Elsevier“ Data Base was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.  The event was attended by: TSMU academic staff and young researchers. The representative made a  presentation on the application rules of the Internet portals - ,,Embase", ,,Scopus" and ,,Reaxsys ". ,, Elsevier " is one of the  four large-scale  educational houses  throughout the world. The company owns a variety of Internet portals, where the articles from the world's leading scientific journals are published and citation index / impact-factors are produced every day. The opportunity to access to the archives of ,, Elsevier " scientific articles were given to the leading scientific-research organizations and universities. It should be noted that, more than a year, TSMU students and academic staff are allowed to  access and use ,,Elsevier " Data Bases.