German Professors Lectures at Tsmu

On 16-17 May, Invited Professors and Honorary Doctors of TSMU, Dr. med. Helmut Sieber, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Plastic surgery, Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Andreas Hammacher, Viktor Weilert  and  Dr. med.Carsten Krabs, Anesthesiologist from Oral, Maxillofacial and plastic Surgery and Implantology Clinic of Duisburg (Germany) visited Tbilisi State Medical University. German colleagues have delivered the following lectures for TSMU students and residents.

 "Maxillary sinus odontogenic inflammatory diseases" - Professor  Helmut Sieber;

 "Bone Substitute position and membranes for use in the medical-dental practice" - Professor Viktor Weilert;  "Resuscitation" - Professor Carsten Krabs;
 "Urgent cases of dental practice" - Professor Carsten Krabs;
 "Bisphosphonate therapy - a challenge for dentistry" - Professor Andreas Hammacher.

Invited Professors conducted patient consultations and operations at Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University.